August 8, 2013

4 weeks with Alternate Day Fasting

4 weeks in
Well, this week was kinda sad in ADF point of view, but i had a lot of fun. So how do we measure the grade of happiness a person can enjoy. Some might say what the point, we are going to die anyway, why even try? So, because you going to die some day, you don't wanna be healthy? that is not even a valid argument.

I'm still going for the ADF, i'm not changing the course that is set already. I'm feeling good about it. Though i didn't feel so good on hangover day, as the sugar abstinens was terrible. I felt like a junky on detox, but that's an other story for you guys.

This weeks results i blame on the party in the weekend :D

Method -  Alternate Day Fasting
Lost weight - 4.4 kg (9.7 lbs) only 200 g this week.
Eat day calories - about 1500-2000
Fast day calories - about 500-600

How about the plan this week
Remember - this is just my point of view what to do during this period and try to live by. I might fail and i might win, but i'm not dead serious about it, as long as i can keep the calories under control. I do it mostly because it makes me feel good.

No drinking of alcohol
TOTAL FAIL - The weekend i drank cider (lots of sugar), drinks with more sugar sodas, beer and win. there is no excuse, but i had fun :)

Only drink water, coffee w. milk or stevia drinks
FAILED - see above. No comment.

No junk food what so ever
FAIL - Lots of salted peanuts and chips.

No sugar (candy, soda etc.) what so ever
FAIL - see above again, no comments.

Downsize the carbohydrates

Daily walk
FAIL - At party day there, and hangover day there was no walk what so ever, if you don't count walking to the cooler and get one more beer. :)

The goal
I haven't really thought about how much i was going to loose, but i set a goal to 5 kg for 4 weeks, so it was close. And i'm happy about the results, though i'm not jumping of joy. So here comes a new win/fail point:

1.25 kg (2.75 lbs)weight loss this week
FAIL - only 200g this week, that really sucked.

The risk of losing weight to fast
I don't know about this, some friend tell its fine to go down in weight, and some say it's going to fast and you can attract some bad illnesses and it's not good for your body if you going to fast. Even if i'm a Google-a-holic and read about everything extensively before i do something. I have not read anywhere that dropping 1.25 kg (2.75 lbs) per week would do you any harm. But, here comes the but, the harm can be done if you are losing weight and eat junk food and don't get your nutrients, that can make some serious harm to your body. But as you see above, i'm trying to avoid just that, so i'll be just fine.

Best Regards,

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