February 2, 2013

This week..

[+] Going with local bus or train is an adventure here in Stockholm, Sweden. The entertainment consist of Rumanian beggers and/or musicans, its funny the first time, the second time its getting annoying, after that I wish i got a Gatling gun. Oh, and this mid-age ladies that sitting and chewing kiddos bubblegum with a such suger flavor that when blinking your eyes got sticky... what is that about?

[+] USA is full of psychos, but we have our share of them to. The other day the released a psycho from a ward and in to little hick-billy town in nowhere here in Sweden, and about 12 hours later he was arrested for a murder. Well, he was put to that psy ward in the first place for murder, so I don't think the got him rehabd. But the "psycho" told the police that he didn't remember anything, but he also told them that a Death God told him to slay.

[+] Oh yeah, I got addicted to http://www.stumbleupon.com/ its wicked, its like surfing on cocaine, even if coke is some what better this is OK 6 on a scale from 1 to 10. Tho in the beginning there was no sense, but it gets much better when you pick out your "interests", then its get from "good" to "awesome".

[+] One more note to self, as Nike says "Just Do It", don't stand there and start analyzing things when the heats got one.

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