July 25, 2013

2 Weeks with ADF

2 week mark
It has going good, the count on calories is quit easy when getting hang of it. And this is totally doable, even for me :) It's not that hard, but it takes a little to use to be hungry every alternate day.

So the fast summary:
Lost weight - 3.7kg (8.15lb)
Eat day calories - about 1500-3000 (haven't counted the exact amount)
Fast day calories - about 500-600 (never over that)

The period of fasting should be as long as possible, so breakfast or dinner is the best way to go for the "one" meal fast day. Tho I eat around 15:00-16:00 (3-4 pm) at those day, but hey, it works, i'm not gaining any weight on. It's all about the calorie restriction.

How about the plan:
- No drinking of alcohol
FAILED - 1 time.
- Only drink water
FAILED - Well, add coffee w. milk and stevia drinks to that list.

- No junk food what so ever
FAILED - one pizza on a eat day, else non.

- No suger what so ever
FAILED - this is the hardest part, yes i have eaten candy, i have a sweet tooth, and it was about 500g over the 2 weeks.

- Downsize the carbohydratesWIN - This i have done with success, wooohooo!
- 1 hour daily walk.
WIN/FAIL - I have not been walking on fast days, becourse of light headingness and loss of energy. But i try to move as much as possible everyday, and on eat days 2-5 km walks.

My plan failed miserably, can't say otherwise, but it seems to work anyway, tho i have to try a little bit harder and maybe compose a plan that is working for me, that is not so 100% strict. Then comes the question, if i lose the list up, will it lose me up??

Have a great day! - Tomas 

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