July 21, 2013

ADF - first 1½ weeks

11 days
So there has been 11 days since i started the ADF. And I have no problem with it, i don't know if i have lost any weight yet, though i don't expect to loose that much in the beginning. On wednesday it's 2 week mark and i'm going to weight in and see if there been any results.

Walking the miles..
My walks has not been that good the last week, the fast days are kinda powerless days and the head just starts to spin when doing some energetic activities. But there has been about 3 km walks on the eat days. I wanted to walk more, but it has been a hectic week to. But i hope i can make it up with some good walks this week.

On Friday i had some wine with some friends, it was great, tho i felt like i'm betrayed my self and my goals, as i had promised my self not to drink until August, but it happened and it was fun. But i'll to keep the drinking to a minimum in the next months that follows.


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