July 16, 2013

Daily note - Blizterz!

New shoes
After last week, when trying to walk in the new shoes i bought, i just got blisters on the heel. Well, as smart as a man can be sometimes, i decided to walk the day after anyway (not with the new shoes tho), and this was start of my never ending blister on heels campaign. Well, never ending, hmm, though it have not ended yet, and today after a 3 km walk the blisters start to remind them self that they are alive.

Last week i bought some blister patches to use, damn expensive once, but they worked. Worked in the meaning of nothing will run out of a blister like blood or some other gooe stuff. So putting these patches on the heel did what it said on the package, prevention from more blisters and so on. But it didn't mention nothing about "Do not walk with this patches or the blisters gets bigger", that should be obvious on the package when you buy them, yes? Nah, though preventing from get worse the blisters just got bigger.

No i will not put a picture of a blister, just google it... Oh for fuck sakes, don't do it, i just did.. and it was gross!


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