January 18, 2013

Little bit cold.

Minus 13 (Celsius) here in Haninge, Sweden. It was colder this morning. I usually don't complain about the cold, and I em not going to do that now either. Sometimes tho, I have gone out, and meet this wall of ice cold freezing cold, and grumbling something like "Oh crap that cold!", and that's it.

I can't say I'm a big fan of cold, never been, but at younger age you kinda ignored the cold when you went out, I have no idea how, but I think is have to do with something like this. Having Fun + Cold = You can resist it for longer. Even tho I have a understanding mother that wanted me to put on cloths so I looked like a eskimo kiddo. She use to say:

- "The more layers, the better, holds the cold out... and cooling balm on your lips."
That shit turned the lips white.
- "But mam, now I look like a girl when I go out."
As this was in seventeens, and my mom was kinda a hippie, so she said:
- "No one will care."
No one did, except for the mean kid in the 10:th. Ha was like Nelson (The Simpsons).
- "You kissed a snowman, snowman, when you going to marry, haha!"

Today I have to go out, I'll put an extra layer of cloths on, but.. I'll skip the cooling balm.

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