August 1, 2013

3 Weeks with ADF

3 weeks and counting
I'm feeling good, the tiredness that i felt last week is totally gone. Tho i didn't do a proper fast day yesterday as i gorge in food for 1000 kcal in that day, will never happen again (cross my toes).

Method -  Alternate Day Fasting
Lost weight - 4.2kg (9.259 lbs) same as two days ago.
Eat day calories - about 1500-2000
Fast day calories - about 500-600

How about the plan this week
Remember - this is just my point of view what to do during this period and try to live by. I might fail and i might win, but i'm not dead serious about it, as long as i can keep the calories under control. I do it mostly because it makes me feel good.

No drinking of alcohol

WIN - No alcohol this week

Only drink water, coffee w. milk or stevia drinks
FAILED - Well, had one soda two days ago at lunch. As i used milk in the coffee, i have changed to lactose free milk instead of regular milk, this had a big impact on my stomach that turned from hard to normal, so that was very positive. 

No junk food what so ever
WIN - no junk food consumed. 

No sugar (candy, soda etc.) what so ever
FAIL - see above, one soda for lunch.

Downsize the carbohydrates
WIN - Tried not to eat that much potatoes, rice and pasta, but some is hard to live without.

Daily walk
WIN - Tried everyday to walk a little bit, a little bit for me at least 2 km, a long bit is about 6 km.

Regards, Tomas

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